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Interactive Shelf & Intelligent UI

The interactive shelf and intelligent UI project is an innovative project initiated by the industry and Research Institute. The core is to solve the demands of fine operation with technical means. UED group hope to be structured through the disassembly of 5-Dimensional design. It is linked with the AB platform to verify the commercial value of the design by adjusting the design materials and realize the parameterization of the design.


​App Designer

​Website Designer


User Experience Designer


​App Design

System Builder

Theoretical Knowledge Research

Website Design


The difficulty of innovation projects is that no competitive products can be used for reference, and the whole system needs to be 0-1 built. In the project, I mainly cooperate with data product manager and algorithm students to build the whole system framework. At the same time, I am also responsible for the research of theoretical knowledge.


屏幕快照 2019-01-24 下午3.26.33.png
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