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Daily Health Care Design in Spoint

S.POINT is leading product innovation company focused on customer centricity, providing enterprises with end-to-end innovative product development services including consumer research, product definition, product design and delivery.The company joined the Cordence Worldwide as the only firm in China and shares the client and talent resources with 23 countries around the world.

I joined in the second phase of this project, the user research phase has been completed,. We need to summarize the survey data, analyze the characteristics of the lead users and follow-up design and research work.

* Friendship Tips: The project is relatively long. It takes about 2 minutes to browse roughly and 7-8 minutes to read carefully.


User Researcher

​Strategy Designer

User Experience Designer

​Layout Designer


Assist leader to organize Co-design Workshop, conduct case studies and research result analysis, reduce layout design.

After Co -design Workshop, we generate ideas into persona and concepts, I need to sketch ideas out in order to put them into PPT and designed the service's system map and Customer Journey Map。

Assist leader to organize Prototype Workshop and design the material we need.

​Help to design all the PPTs.


​Research & Strategy

User Behavior Analysis

Concept Design

​Workshop Plan

Layout Design

Ideas Sketch


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01 Background

“In-depth study of consumers' daily health care behavior and expectation. Foresee and describe healthy lifestyle and possible service & products. ”

“In-depth study of consumers' daily health care behavior and expectation. Foresee and describe healthy lifestyle and possible service & products. ”

Who is our Party A

Infinitus (China) Company Ltd., founded in 1992, is a member of LKK Health Products Group (LKKHPG). It focuses on developing, manufacturing and distributing Chinese herbal health products.

02 Co-design Workshop

What is Co-design Workshop?

A Co-design Workshop is a group session (discussions and/or hand-on activities) with users or stakeholders to learn about their motivations, behaviors and ideas with the aim to design better products and services.

Why we need a Co-design Workshop?

This project involved multiple stakeholders, including managers and salesmen in Infinitus Company​ and customers. Designers are not expert in every field. Most time stakeholders will give us some  WOWs. 

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Generate ideas for future state and set priorities

Hands-on approach helps uncovering tacit knowledge

More time-efficient than individual interviews

How to prepare a Co-design Workshop?

Confirm the research method and approach. You need to fully understand your research. Select what you want to show on workshop.

Plan your workshop logistics (participants, space, date…)

  • Who would involved into your workshop? You need to inform them 1 week before so that they could adjust their time.

  • Book a space, a relaxed and fun environment encourages collaboration.

  • Data tracking, many post-it notes will help and a blank white wall.

Confirm your workshop's method​. Brain Writing, Team Storming or Reserve Brainstorming?

​Prepare the materials you would need on workshop. They would facilitate dialogue between different people.

  • A schedule for all participants

  • An Introduce PPT, mainly introduce project's background, some marketing research data and what we discover in research.

  • Persona Cards

  • Behavior Cards

  • Case Study Cards

Set up the room. Check recording devices. Different color pens, post-it notes and the idea record form are available.

03 Ideation Phase

A long process of sort out workshop materials

Because the ideas obtained by workshop were generally describing some possible insights in the future which were not specific products or services. The designer's job was to develop these possibilities into forward-looking products or services.​And I needed to sketched ideas out in order to put them into PPT.


Four Personas

​We put all personas into one big family. Each of them present one or two target group we analyze from research phase.


The story we would like to talk

Because of the confidentiality agreement, I can only show the story in general. 

Service I designed

04 Prototype

The purpose

After presented our work to Party A, we selected several products to prototype.  We collected and analysis the feed backs and drive the  products refinement with designers & engineers and CMF.

30 customers, 10 salesmen and 4 managers from Intifinus.

Shanghai, Ningbo

I compiled some product instructions.

​I designed all the UI phase

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